TM 5-6115323-14
27. Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas
a. General. If the installation is expected to be
lengthy, erect a protective shield for the unit to
protect it from dust and sand. If the installation is
temporary, utilize a natural or improvised barrier
when possible. Clean dust and dirt from the unit
at frequent intervals.
b. Engine. Clean the air cleaner and fuel filter
more frequently. Clean the engine at more fre-
quent intervals to remove accumulated dust and
c. Generator. Keep the end cover clean.
d. Generator Controls and Instruments. Care-
fully clean dust and sand out of the control box,
Do not allow dust to accumulate around terminals
or voltage regulator.
e. Fuel system. Keep the area around the fuel
tank cap clean and free from dust and sand. Keep
all fuel supplies capped to prevent the entrance of
2-8. Operation Under Rainy or Humid
a. General. When the generator set is to be
operated outdoors, provide a shelter, if possible, to
protect the unit. If shelter is not available and
erection of one is not practical, keep the unit,
when inoperative, covered with waterproof mate-
rial. Remove the cover during dry periods to allow
the unit to dry out.
b. Fuel. Keep the fuel tank as full as possible to
prevent condensation.
c. Electrical System. Humid conditions can
cause corrosion and deterioration of electrical
components. Keep electrical components and wir-
ing clean and dry.
29. Operation in Salt Water Areas
a. General. Wipe the generator set with a clean
cloth dampened with clean, fresh water at fre-
quent intervals. Use care not to contaminate the
fuel supply or damage the electrical system with
b. Lubrication. Use care to keep salt water from
entering the engine when adding or changing oil.
Lubricate more frequently than specified in LO 5-
280525712. Air Force will use the lubrication
section of applicable T.O. 35C23-1-426WC Series
c. Preservation. Paint all exposed non-polished
surfaces. Coat exposed parts of polished steel or
other ferrous material with standard issue rust-
proofing material if available or cover parts with
one light coat of grease. Refer to the appropriate
service manual (See Appendix A).
210. Operation at High Altitudes
The generator set is designed to operate at
elevations up to 8,000 feet above sea level without
special service or adjustment. Provide adequate
ventilation as the engine is more likely to over-
heat at high altitudes. It may be necessary to
change the fuel-air ratio of the engine; if so, refer
to organizational maintenance. To calculate the
output capability at altitudes above 8,000 feet, use
the following formula and round figures to the
nearest tenth:
7% x actual altitude 8,000 x 1.5 kw
= kw derating
0.07 X 13,000 8,000
x 1.5 kw = .525 kw derating
1.5 kw .525 kw = .975 kw derated power at 13,000 ft.