TM 5-6115-275-14
NAVFAC P-8-615-14
TO 35C2-3-452-1
Fuel System. Take all
necessary to keep the dust and sand out of the fuel
system. Clean the area around the tank filler and the
spout of the dispensing equipment before adding fuel.
Inspect and clean the fuel filter frequently.
Lubrication. When operating in dusty or
sandy areas the oil filter must be cleaned and the
element replaced more frequently. Clean the lubrication
points before applying any lubricants. Lubricate the
engine in accordance with LO 5- 2805-25 9-12.
Operation Under Rainy Or Humid Conditions
General. Take special precautions to
keep the equipment dry. If possible, provide a shelter for
the equipment. If a sheltered area is not available, cover
the equipment with canvas when not in use. Remove
canvas during dry periods.
b. Lubrication. Lubricate the engine in
accordance with LO 5-2805-259-12.
Fuel System. Keep the fuel tank as full as
possible to prevent condensation. Drain and service the
fuel filter more frequently than under normal conditions.
Electrical System. Humid conditions can
components. Keep wiring as clean and dry as possible.
Operation In Salt Water Areas
Clean. Wipe the generator set with a clean
cloth dampened with clean, fresh water at frequent
intervals. Exercise care not to contaminate the fuel
supply or damage the electrical system with water.
Lubrication. Exercise care to keep salt water
from entering the engine when adding or changing oil.
Lubricate more frequently than specified in the current
lubrication order, refer to DA-
PAM 310-4 for current lisintg.
c. Preservation. Paint all exposed non-
polished surfaces. Coat exposed parts of polished metal
with standard issue rustproofing material if available, or
cover parts with light coat of grease.
Operation At High Altitudes
The generator is rated at 10kw up to 5, 000 ft. (feet)
(150000cm) altitude and 8kw at 8, 000 ft. (240000 cm)
altitude. To calculate specific generator set output above
8, 000 ft (240000 cm), use the following formula:
6% x actual altitude - 5, 000 (150000 cm) x 10 kw
rating = derating factor.
Example: Solution for 10, 000 ft (300000 cm):
6%, x 10, 000 - 5, 000 x 10 kw = derating factor
1, 000
0.06 x 5 x 10 kw 3.0 derating factor
10 kw - 3.0 kw 7 kw (specific output at 10.000 ft.
(300000 cm) altitude