TM 5-6115-434-12
Do not exceed an output of 30 volts
If output voltage can be read on the multimeter and the voltage can be adjusted between 24 volts and 30 volts, the
charger is operating satisfactorily.
Adjustment. With the leads disconnected from «the positive and negative terminals and a multimeter
connected, turn the voltage adjust screw until the voltage output is 28 volts. Disconnect the multimeter and reconnect
the leads to the positive and negative terminals.
Installation. Install in reverse order of removal procedure.
Transformer 400 Hz (three used)
Removal. Tag and disconnect electrical connections to transformer and electrical leads passing 'through
the center of transformer. Remove four screws and eight washers from transformer. Remove transformer.
Cleaning and inspection.
Clean transformer with filtered compressed air or wipe with a clean rag moistened with an approved
cleaning solvent.
Visually inspect for corrosion, cracks, damaged threads, excessive heat or other evidence of
Installation. Install in reverse order of removal procedure.
Thermal Relay (three used).
Removal. Remove two screws and cover from relay. Tag and remove electrical leads and bus bars from
relay. Remove two screws and four washers from relay. Remove thermal relay.
Cleaning and inspection.
Clean relay with compressed air or wipe with a clean rag moistened with an approved cleaning
Visually inspect relay for corrosion, cracks, damaged threads, excessive heat or other evidence of
Installation. Install in reverse order of removal procedures.
Removal. Tag and remove electrical leads from shunt. Remove two screws and washers from shunt.
Remove shunt.
Cleaning and inspection.
Clean shunt with filtered compressed air or wipe with a clean rag moistened with an approved
cleaning solvent.
Visually inspect shunt for corrosion, cracks, damaged threads or other evidence of damage.
Installation. Install in reverse order of removal procedures.
Terminal Board (two used)
Removal. Remove snap on cover from terminal board. Tag and remove electrical connections and bus
bars from terminal board. Remove two nuts, two washers and two screws from terminal board. Remove terminal board.
Cleaning and inspection.
Clean terminal board with filtered compressed air or wipe with a clean rag moistened with an
approved cleaning solvent.
Visually inspect terminal board for evidence of corrosion, cracks, damaged threads or other evidence
of damage.
Installation. Install in reverse order of removal procedures.
3-62. Lower Rack Assembly (fig. 3-20)
Access to lower rack assembly is obtained by removing the gas turbine engine power plant access
panel (fig. 1-2) Tag or otherwise identify electrical connections as removed to facilitate assembly.
Relay (K1)
Removal. Tag and disconnect electrical connections and bus bar from relay. Remove four screws and
eight washers from relay. Remove relay.
Cleaning and Inspection.
Clean relay with filtered compressed air or wipe relay with a clean rag moistened with an approved
cleaning solvent.
Visually inspect relay for corrosion, cracks, damaged threads or other evidence of damage.
Installation. Install in reverse order of removal procedures.
Relay (K11).
Removal. Remove terminal post cover from relay. Tag and disconnect electrical connections from relay.
Remove four screws and eight washers. Remove relay.