TM 5-6115-434-12
Insure that drive shaft i installed and meshed properly in gear box assembly and that packing is in place..
Secure pump assembly with attaching washers and bolts. Tighten bolts securely and reconnect tube
assemblies using new washers.
3-38. Oil Tank Assembly (fig. 3-13)
Removal. Drain all oil from tank assembly. Remove tube assemblies from oil tank assembly, loosen clamp
strap on tank cradle, and remove oil tank assembly from cradle.
Installation. Install replacement oil tank assembly in place in cradle and secure with clamp strap. Reconnect
tube assemblies to tank assembly using new gaskets. Insure that drain plug is securely tightened.
3-39. Cooling Fan Assembly (fig. 3-14)
Loosen clamp and remove end of hose assembly from inlet flange of cooling fan assembly. Loosen
screws in duct support assembly at fan outlet flange and remove ends of support assembly and hose assembly from
outlet flange of fan assembly.
Remove four attaching bolts and special washers from fan assembly. Carefully remove cooling fan
assembly from engine in a straight line.
Install replacement cooling fail assembly on engine using new packing.
Secure fan assembly to engine mounting pad with attaching washers and bolts. Tighten bolts to 50 to 70
inch-pounds torque.
Reconnect end of hose assembly and duct support assembly to outlet flange of fan assembly. Tighten
screws in support assembly securely. Reconnect end of hose assembly and clamp to inlet flange of fan assembly.
Tighten clamp securely.
3-40. Oil Temperature Regulator (fig. 3-14)
a. Removal.
Remove hose assemblies from oil temperature regulator valve. Drain hoses of residual oil.
Loosen attaching clamps and remove hose assemblies from oil temperature regulator. Remove regulator
from engine.
Install replacement oil temperature regulator on cradle. Replace hose assemblies on each end of regulator
and secure with attaching clamps.
Reconnect hose assemblies to regulator valve using new packing.
3-41. Regulator Valve (fig. 3-14)
Remove hose assemblies from regulator valve. Drain hoses of residual oil.
Remove four attaching bolts and washers and remove regulator valve, and two packings from oil
temperature regulator.
Install new packings in place in oil temperature regulator. Install replacement regulator valve in place and
secure with attaching washers and bolts. Tighten bolts securely.
Reconnect hose assemblies to regulator valve using new packing.