TM 5-6115-434-12
Table 3-5. Sequence of events during performance check-Continued
Power unit Indication
Adaptor indication
Engine reaches
Under frequency arm-
If not, diode (CR8)
95 percent
ing relay (K6) en-
failed, or under
governed speed
ergizes to open cir-
frequency arming
cuit which bypasses
relay (K6) failed.
low oil pressure switch
during starting.
Engine continues to
If not, low oil pressure
switch failed to ac-
K7 400 lamp illumi-
If not, under frequency
nates (K7 does not
arming relay (K6)
energize-no ground).
contacts open, emer-
gency switch (S6)
contacts open or
400 Hz main contac-
tor switch (S2) con-
tacts open.
K8 load contactor lamp
If not, under frequency
illuminates (K8 does
arming relay (K6)
not energize-no
contacts open, emer-
gency switch (S5)
contacts open or 400
Hz main contactor
switch (S3) con-
tacts open.
Engine speed
Fuel pressure drops
If not, and engine con-
reaches about
to about 120-150 psi.
tinues to accelerate
102 percent
to 110 percent and
governed speed
shuts off, governor
(408 cps-
governor con-
If not, and fuel pres-
trols speed or
sure high, but engine
operates slightly low
in speed, and turbine
temperature about
275-310C (530 to
590F) fuel atom-
izer or flow divider
If not, and fuel pressure
high and turbine
discharge temperature
more than 325°C
(615F) compressor
or turbine rub,
generator or other
accessory failed, or
plenum air leak.
Exhaust gas tempera-
If not, check exhaust
ture about 270C-
gas temperature in-
320°C (518°F-608 F)
dicator calibration
(Normal no-load ex-
and circuit resistance
haust gas temperature.)
(8 ohms).
Control air pressure ap-
If not, check for con-
proximately 33 psig
trol air leak in lines,
(depending on am-
ruptured accelera-
bient conditions
tion limiter diaphragm,
and load).
or thermostat.