TM 5-6115-434-12
er unit instrument panel. The dc power lamp on the analyzer panel (fig. 3-3) should illuminate, indicating de power from
the power unit is available at the analyzer. The press-to-test indicator lamps on the power unit instrument panel will
illuminate when pressed. The low oil pressure lamp on the analyzer panel (fig. 3-3) will illuminate.
Momentarily place analyzer start switch (fig. 8-3), or power unit master switch (fig. 2-22), in the START
position then release to RUN position. The start relay (K1) will actuate, indicated by audible clicking noise, the fuel boost
pump will run, and the starter motor will rotate the engine. Observe that the following occurs on the analyzer control
panel (fig. 3-3).
K3 TURBINE HOLD lamp illuminates.
K4 TIME DELAY lamp illuminates.
STARTER lamp illuminates.
TACH GENERATOR RPM indicator indicates rpm.
OIL pressure gage indicates oil pressure.
MOTOR ROTATE lamp illuminates.
When rising oil pressure reaches 2.5 to 3.5 psig the oil pressure sequencing switch is actuated, opening
the fuel solenoid valve; the ignition unit is energized, indicated by an audible cracking noise. and combustion occurs.
Observe that the following occurs on the analyzer control panel (fig. 3-3).
FUEL lamp illuminates.
IGNITION lamp illuminates.
EXHAUST TEMP indicator indicates exhaust gas temperature.
Engine acceleration rate may be controlled by adjusting CONTROL AIR VALVE (fig. 3-3) to
bleed off fuel control assembly control air to slow the rate of acceleration during observation
of the various actuation points.
When the engine accelerates to approximately 35 percent governed speed, the centrifugal multi-speed
switch starter cutout actuates to de-energize the start relay (K1), the time delay relay (K4) and the start motor. Observe
that the following occurs on the analyzer control ,panel (fig. 8-3).
STARTER lamp extinguished.
K4 TIME DELAY lamp extinguished.
MOTOR ROTATE lamp extinguished.
Compressor air pressure is evident at analyzer AIR gage.
KS TURBINE HOLD lamp remains illuminated.
DC Voltage increases.
When the engine accelerates to approximately 75 percent governed speed, the OIL gage (fig. 34) on the
analyzer control panel will indicate 90 10 psig.
When the engine accelerates to approximately 95 percent governed speed, the centrifugal multi-sped
switch ready to load and ignition cutout switch actuates to de-energize the ignition unit, and energize the time totatalizing
meter (M1), the ready to load lamp, the under frequency arming relay (K6), the 400 Hz generator control relay (K7), and
the 60 Hz generator control relay (K8). Check the engine time totalizing meter for satisfactory operation. Observe that
the following occurs on the analyzer control panel.
IGNITION lamp extinguished.
READY TO LOAD lamp illuminated.
K6 UNDERFREQUENCY lamp illuminated.
K7 400 Hz CONTROL lamp illuminated.
K8 60 Hz CONTROL lamp illuminated.
With the engine operating at governed speed, momentarily actuate the EMERGENCY OPERATION switch
on power unit instrument panel to ON position. This is a check on the 400 Hz output contactor (K12). Observe that the
following occurs on the analyzer panel.
K12 400 Hz OUTPUT CONTACTOR lamp illuminates.
K7 400 Hz CONTROL lamp is extinguished.
K8 60 Hz CONTROL lamp is extinguished.