Replacement switches may not have the
terminals in the same location. To assure
proper installation, follow the terminal diagram
printed on the switch. Wire extension maybe
necessary to accommodate a replacement
switch. The wires that need to be lengthened
are: X7A10, X7C18, X6B10C, and Xl1A10A.
Ensure materials needed to lengthen wires are
on hand when ordering switch to reduce non-
mission-capable (NMC) time.
(1) Remove power cable from load terminals.
(2) Disconnect cannon plugs from control box
(3) Remove ground strap from control box
(4) Remove control box assembly from generator
(5) Remove control box access cover and open
control panel door.
(6) Remove screws and washers securing output
selector switch mounting brackets to control box assembly.
(7) Tag and remove leads from output selector
(8) Remove output selector switch from control
box assembly.
(9) Remove top and bottom mounting brackets
from output selector switch.
TM 5-6115-332-14
TO 35C23-424-1
b. Cleaning. Clean the output selector switch using
a clean lint free cloth to remove any foreign material.
(1) Inspect the voltage selector switch to insure
there is no binding or sticking in the various positions.
(2) Inspect contacts for
evidence of burning or other damage.
Replacement switches may not have the
terminals in the same location. The terminal
diagram on the switch must be followed. When
facing the switch terminal diagram, the far
terminals are the terminal rows farthest from
the diagram and the near terminal rows are the
closest. For proper connection of the switch, it
may be necessary to lengthen four wires:
X7A10, X7C18, X6B10C, and Xl1A10A.
(1) Refer to paragraph 7-3a and remove output
selector switch.
(2) Refer to switch terminal diagram located on
switch and Table 71. Use multimeter set on RX 1 scale and
test terminals A through L for continuity in all four
positions. Readings should match those indicated in Table
71. Replace switch that does not pass this test.
Change 9
7-2.1/(7-2.2 blank)