TM 5-6115-332-14
TO 35C2-3-424-1
(2) Remove nut and washer (from the front of
the control panel) securing the panel lights switch
to the control panel.
(3) Remove panel lights switch.
b. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
(1) Clean the panel lights switch with a clean
lint free cloth.
(2) Inspect switch for signs of burned areas,
loose or corroded terminals, cracks, or thread dam-
(3) Inspect switch for proper operation.
(4) Replace a damaged or defective switch.
c. Installation.
When installing the panel lights
switch be certain that all wire leads
are returned to the correct terminals.
If these instructions are not followed,
serious damage will result.
(1) Position panel lights switch in place on
control panel and secure with washer and nut.
(2) Reconnect all leads.
d. Testing. Test with a multimeter for con-
tinuity of switch contacts.
4-32. Panel Light (XDS1 and XDS2).
When working inside the control pan-
el, disconnect plug P1 to prevent bat-
tery voltage arcing.
a. Removal. Refer to figure 4-24 and the follow-
ing instructions to remove the panel light.
(1) Tag and disconnect electrical leads from
the panel light.
(2) Remove panel light shield (from the front
of the control panel) by pulling straight out.
(3) Remove panel light bulb by depressing and
turning counterclockwise.
(4) Remove nut and washer (from back of con-
trol panel) securing panel light to the control panel.
(5) Remove Panel light.
(6) Remove the other panel light in the same
b. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
(1) Clean the panel light(s) using a clean lint
free cloth.
(2) Inspect light(s) for loose contacts, cracks,
breaks, or burned sockets.
(3) Inspect bulb for corroded pins or base and
for a burned out condition.
(4) Replace damaged or defective panel light
or bulb.
c. Installation.
When installing the panel light(s), be
certain that all wire leads are re-
turned to the correct terminals. The
lead from the switch must go to the
positive, or center, terminal of the
panel light. If these instructions are
not followed, serious damage will
(1) Position panel light in place on control
panel and secure with washer and nut.
(2) Insert panel light bulb into light socket.
Depress bulb and with a clockwise motion secure in
lamp socket.
(3) Install light shield by pushing straight in
until shield snaps into place.
(4) Reconnect leads.
(5) Install the other light in the same manner.
d. Testing. Test with a multimeter for con-
tinuity of switch contacts.
Section IX.
4-33. AC Voltmeter (M6).
Always stop the generator set before
a. Removal. Refer to figure 4-24 and the follow-
performing maintenance on the elec-
ing instructions to remove the AC Voltmeter.
trical system copmonents. Failure to
(1) Tag and disconnect leads from the AC volt-
observe this warning may lead to
(2) Remove nuts, washers, and screws secu-
severe injury or to death b
ring the AC voltmeter to the control panel.
(3) Remove the voltmeter.