TM 5-6115-329-14
TO 35C2-3-440-1
1-9. Description
a. Generator Set. The
through 1-6) is a portable
Section II.
range SB71-0001 through SB71-0177 which are 400
generator set (figs. 1-1
HZ, -120 volt AC, single-phase only), or DOD Model
unit consisting of a Mil-
MEP-024A (0.5 kilowatt, 28 volt, d.c., generator),
itary Standard 1-1/2 horsepower gasoline engine,
and the necessary components and accessories re-
model 1A08-3, directly coupled to a Military design
quired for a self-contained generating unit. The
generator, DOD Model MEP-014A (0.5 kilowatt,
unit is cushioned with rubber mounts and is moun-
120 or 240 volt, 60 Hertz generator), DOD Model
ted in an aluminum tubular frame. It will operate
MEP-019A (0.5 kilowatt, 120 or 240 volt, 400-Hertz
at an angle of 15° (maximum) in any plane from hor-
a.c., generator) (except sets manufactured by Buck-
izontal. The generator set is radio suppressed.
nell, contract DSA 400-71-C-6006, serial number
Figure 1-1. Generator set, model MEP-019A, left-front, three-quarter view, with shipping dimensions.