TM 5-6115-329-14
TO 35C2-3-440-1
(7) If the malfunction is minor and will not
ponents which have been overhauled or repaired.
damage the unit, the tests may continue and defects
(9) Presence of one or more defects shall be
corrected upon completion of tests.
cause for rejection until acceptable repair has been
(8) Inspect for proper functioning, com-
made. If repair is required to a major component, re-
peat the entire operational test.
Table 11-1. Visual and Operational Inspection
Inspection Point
1. Data Plates
a. Must be tightly affixed and legible.
b. Missing plates must be replaced.
2. Overall
a. All fuel lines, wiring and covers shall be properly
attached and in good condition.
b. All bolts and screws shall be of the proper size,
have the required washers, and be securely
c. Grease fittings shall be undamaged.
3. Items Troop Installed or Authorized
All items must be accounted for, and in condition
comparable to new.
4. Engine
The engine must operate efficiently with no un-
usual noises and should show no signs of over-
heating during or after operating under full load
for a period of one hour.
5. Fuel System
a. Fuel tank must be free of contamination and
b. Fuel cap gasket must be in good condition and
strainer must be clean.
c. Fuel lines must be secure and free of sharp bends.
d. There must be no evidence of leaks.
6. Engine Electrical System
a. All wiring must be adequately insulated and se-
curely fastened.
b. Cables shall be in comparable to new condition
and wiring harness shall be securely attached.
7. Control Box and Instruments
a. Control box shall be securely attached.
b. Gages shall be clean and legible.
c. Switches and controls shall operate freely.
d. Wiring and wiring harness shall be attached
8. Generator
a. Generator must be securely mounted and rotor
shaft securely attached to the flywheel.
b. During operation, there shall be no excessive
noise or vibration.
c. Conduct a load test to insure that the set is oper-
able and that all meters are functioning properly.