TM 56115-323-14
Figure 1-3. Generator set, left rear three-quarter view (Model MEP-025A) (DC Unit).
110. Identification and Tabulated Data
a. Identification. The generator sets are pro-
vided with unit, engine, and generator identifica-
tion plates. The information contained on these
plates is listed in subparagraph d, tabulated data.
b. Explanation of Military Design Generator Set
Serial Numbers. The serial number of a military
design generator set (end item) is comprised of
four alpha-numeric characters to which are ap-
pended a numeric series that corresponds, in
quantity, to the number of sets furnished.
(1) The first character (alpha) specifies the
manufacturer. It is defined as follows:
G -------- Hol-Gar Manufacturing Co.
K -------- John R. Hollingsworth Manufac-
turing Co.
N -------- Chimera Corp.
Q -------- American Marc
Div. of EON
R --------------- Aircraft Appliance and Equip-
(2) The second character (alpha) denotes the
frequency characteristics:
A -------- 60 Hertz
B -------- 28 Volt DC
(3) The third and fourth characters (numeric)
represent the year of delivery.
(4) On some units, the fifth, sixth and seventh
characters represent the unit sizes in KW and the
remaining characters represent the unit number
in the series.
c. Explanation of Department of Defense (DOD
Model Designations.) The DOD family of mobile