TM 5-6115-596-24PSection I. INTRODUCTION1.Scope.This manual lists repair parts; special tools,special test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment(TMDE), and other special support equipment requiredfor operation and performance of organizational, directsupport, and general support of the Generator Set,Gasoline Driven, 4.2KW, 28V, DC.2.General.a.Section II. Repair Parts List. A list of repairparts authorized for use in the performance ofmaintenance. The list also includes parts which must beremoved for replacement of the authorized parts. Partslists are composed of functional groups in ascendingnumerical sequence, with the parts in each group listedin figure and item number sequence. Bulk materials arelisted in NSN sequence, as the last group in Section II.b.Section III. Special Tools List. A list ofspecial tools, special TMDE, and other special supportequipment authorized for the performance ofmaintenance. (Not Applicable)c.Section IV. National Stock Number and PartNumber Index. A list, in National item identificationnumber (NIIN) sequence, of all National stock numbers(NSN) appearing in the listings, followed by a list inalphanumeric sequence of all part numbers appearing inthe listings. National stock numbers and part numbersare cross-referenced to each illustration figure and itemnumber appearance.3.Explanation of Columns.a.Illustration. This column is divided asfollows:(1)Figure Number. Indicates the figurenumber of the illustration in which the item is shown.(2)Item Number. The number used toidentify each item called out in the illustration.b.Source, Maintenance, and RecoverabilityCodes (SMR).(1)Source Code. Source codes areassigned to support items to indicate the manner ofacquiring support items for maintenance repair, oroverhaul of end items. Source codes are entered in thefirst and second positions of the Uniform SMR Codeformat as follows:CodeDefinitionPA - Item procured and stocked for anticipated or knownusage.PB - Item procured and stocked for insurance purposebecause essentially dictates that a minimumquantity be available in the supply system.PC - Item procured and stocked and which otherwisewould be coded PA except that it is deteriorative innature.PD - Support item, excluding support equipment,procured for initial issue or out-fitting and stockedonly for subsequent or additional initial issues1
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