TM 5-6115-405-15
(4) Allowances are based on 1,000 hours of
b. Federal Stock Number indicates the Federal
operation per year.
stock number for the item.
h. Thirty-Day DS/GS Maintenance Allowance.
c. Description column indicates the Federal item
name and brief description of the item. A five-digit
(1) The allowance columns are divided into
manufacturer's or other service code is shown in
three subcolumns.
Indicated in each
parentheses followed by the manufacturer's part
subcolumn is the quantity of items
number. Repair parts quantities included in kits, sets,
authorized for a number of equipments
and assemblies that differ from the actual quantity used
supported. Items authorized for use as
in the specific item, are listed in parentheses following
required but not for initial stockage are
the repair part name.
identified with an asterisk in the allowance
d. Unit of Issue indicates the unit used as a basis
of issue, e.g., ea, pr, ft, yd, etc.
(2) The quantitative allowances for DS/GS
levels of maintenance will represent initial
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit Pack indicates the
stockage for a 30-day period for the
actual quantity contained in the unit pack.
number of equipments supported.
f. Quantity Incorporated in Unit indicates the
i. One-Year
actual number of parts used in the application. A zero is
Equipments/Contingency Plating Purposes indicates the
shown when components of kits or sets are listed that
quantity of items required for distribution and
are not applicable to the specific end item.
contingency planning purposes.
g. Fifteen-Day
j. Depot Maintenance Allowance Per 100
Equipments indicates the total quantity of items
(1) The allowance columns are divided into
recommended for depot maintenance of 100
four subcolumns.
Indicated in each
equipments. Items recommended for immediate use
subcolumn is the quantity of items
only are identified with an asterisk : n the allowance
authorized for the number of equipments
supported. Items authorized for use as
k. Illustration.
required but not for initial stockage are
identified with an asterisk in the allowance
(1) Figure Number indicates the figure
number of the illustration in which the item is shown.
(2) The
(2) Item or Symbol Number indicates the
organizational level of maintenance
callout number used to reference the item in the
represent one initial prescribed load for a
15-day period for the number of
equipments supported.
Units and
D-4. Instructions for Locating Repair Parts
a. When Federal Stock Number or manufacturer's
prescribed loads will multiply the number
part number is unknown.
of prescribed loads authorized by the
(1) First.
Using the index of contents,
quantity of repair parts reflected in the
determine the functional group or
appropriate density column to obtain the
subgroup, i.e., engine, engine assembly,
total quantity of repair parts authorized.
transmission, transmission assembly,
(3) Items identified by an asterisk may be
within which the repair part belongs.
requisitioned as required. Subsequent
Locate the appropriate page in the
changes and/or additions to allowances
manual and identify the part.
will be limited to the provisions of AR 735-
(2) Second. Locate the repair part and the
35. The range of items authorized will be
illustration figure and item
made by this Command based upon
engineering experience, demand data, or
TAERS information.