CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTIONIdentification and Tabulated DataDifferences in ModelsFigure 1-1. Generator set, left-front, three-quarter view.Figure 1-2. Generator set, left-rear, three-quarter view.Figure 1-3. Generator set in carrying case.Figure 1-4. Practical wiring diagramFigure 1-5. Base planCHAPTER 2. INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONSSection II. MOVEMENT TO NEW WORKSITEFigure 2-1. Controls and instruments.Section IV. OPERATION OF EQUIPMENTOperation in Extreme HeatCHAPTER 3. OPERATOR AND ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSDaily Preventive Maintenance ServicesFigure 3-2. Daily preventive maintenance series.Section III. OPERATOR'S MAINTENANCEFigure 3-4. Muffler cleaning.Figure 3-5. Governor speed adjustment.Section IV. TROUBLESHOOTINGSection V. RADIO INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSIONCarburetor AdjustmentCHAPTER 4. DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSTable 4-1. Repair and Replacement StandardCHAPTER 5. GENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFigure 5-1. Fabrication of rotor locking tool.Figure 5-2. Fabrication of offset wrench.Figure 5-3. Fabrication of needle bearing assembling tool.Figure 5-4. Fabrication of seal assembling sleeve.Figure 5-5. Fabrication of seal assembling plug.Figure 5-6. Fabrication of seal assembling sleeve.Figure 5-7. Fabrication of piston pin removal tool.Section II. TROUBLESHOOTINGSection IV. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF MAJOR COMPONENTSFigure 5-8. Removal of starter fan housing.Figure 5-9. Using rotor locking tool to hold shaft.Figure 5-10. Generator removal.Figure 5-11. Removal of magneto rotor.CarburetorCHAPTER 6. SPECIFIC REPAIR INSTRUCTIONSFigure 6-1. Starter fan housing and ignition parts, exploded view.Figure 6-1. Starter fan housing and ignition parts, exploded view. - ContinuedSection II GENERATORSection II GENERATOR - ContinuedFigure 6-2. Generator, exploded view.Section III. CARBURETOR CHAMBERFigure 6-3. Carburetor chamber, exploded view.Figure 6-3. Carburetor chamber, exploded view. - ContinuedFigure 6-4. Engine, exploded view.Figure 6-4. Engine, exploded view. - ContinuedSection IV. ENGINESection V. CARBURETOR ASSEMBLYFigure 6-5. Carburetor assembly, exploded view.Figure 6-5. Carburetor assembly, exploded view. - ContinuedREFERENCESAPPENDIX B. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST AND MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING SUPPLIESSECTION II. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTSECTION II. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - ContinuedSECTION II. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - ContinuedAPPENDIX C. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTSection II. MAINTENANCE ASSIGNMENTSection II. MAINTENANCE ASSIGNMENT - ContinuedSection III. SPECIAL TOOL AND SPECIAL TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTSAPPENDIX D. ORGANIZATIONAL, DIRECT, AND GENERAL SUPPORT AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS LISTInstructions for Locating Repair PartsSection II. PRESCRIBED LOAD ALLOWANCESection II. PRESCRIBED LOAD ALLOWANCE - ContinuedSECTION III - REPAIR PARTS FOR ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCESECTION III - REPAIR PARTS FOR ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE - ContinuedGROUP 04 - EXHAUST SYSTEMGROUP 04 - EXHAUST SYSTEN - ContinuedSECTION IV - REPAIR PARTS FOR DS, GS, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCESECTION IV - REPAIR PARTS FOR DS, GS, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedSECTION IV - REPAIR PARTS FOR DS, GS, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedSECTION IV - REPAIR PARTS FOR DS, GS, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedSECTION IV - REPAIR PARTS FOR DS, GS, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedSECTION IV - REPAIR PARTS FOR DS, GS, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedSECTION IV - REPAIR PARTS FOR DS, GS, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedSECTION IV - REPAIR PARTS FOR DS, GS, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedSECTION IV - REPAIR PARTS FOR DS, GS, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedSECTION IV - REPAIR PARTS FOR DS, GS, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedLEGEND TO PARTS, FIGURE D-1FIGURE D-1. CRANKCASE CYLINDER, CRANKSHAFT AND RELATED PARTSLEGEND TO PARTS, FIGURE D-2FIGURE D-2. STARTER FAN HOUSING. STARTER PULLEY AND IGNITION COMPONENTSLEGEND TO PARTS, FIGURE D-3FIGURE D-3. CARBURETORLEGEND TO PARTS, FIGURE D-4FIGURE D-4. CARBURETOR CHAMBERGEND TO PARTS, FIGURE XFIGURE D-5. GENERATOR AND GOVERNOR