TM 5-611532314
Section I.
4-1. Inspecting and Servicing the Equipment
a. Preparation. Prepare the generator set for
inspection and operation as outlined in the follow-
ing paragraphs. For Army users, refer to DA
Form 2258 (Depreservation Guide for Vehicles and
b. Inspection.
(1) Inspect the identification plate for positive
identification of the generator set.
(2) Make a thorough inspection of the genera-
tor set for any damage that may have occurred
during shipment.
(3) Compare the equipment with the packing
list to make certain that all items are accounted
for and are in serviceable condition.
(4) Inspect the entire unit carefully for loose
and missing hardware.
(5) Turn the engine over by hand to make
certain that all moving parts in the engine and
generator move freely.
(6) Make a thorough visual inspection of the
entire generator set for loose or missing mounting
hardware, or damaged or missing parts. Report all
damaged or missing parts on DD Form 6.
c. Servicing.
(1) Perform the Daily Preventive Mainte-
nance Services (Table 32).
(2) Remove all tags and tape, cloth, and other
packaging material.
(3) Lubricate the generator set in accordance
with LO 5-2805-257-12. Air Force will use the
lubrication section of applicable T.O. 35C2-3-1-426
Series workcards.
(4) Correct all deficiencies that are found or
report the condition to intermediate (field), (direct
support and general support) and depot mainte-
4-2. Installation
Do not operate the generator set in an
inclosed area unless the exhaust gases
are piped to the outside. Inhalation of
the exhaust fumes can result in serious
illness or death.
a. General. The generator set is normally
shipped from the manufacturer, depot, or supply
point in an operationally ready condition, except
that it is drained and preserved. Before the unit is
operated, however, service it as prescribed in par-
agraph 4-1 above. Pay particular attention to any
attached tags or notices. Set up the unit for
operation, as described in the subparagraphs that
b. Site Selection. Consider the following factors
when selecting and preparing an installation site
for the generator set.
(1) Distance to Load. To reduce transmission
line voltage losses, position the generator set as
close as is reasonably possible to the load.
(2) Shelter. Even though the generator set is
weather resistant, it should be located in an ade-
quate shelter that will protect it from inclement
weather. Provide a shelter that is ventilated to
allow heated air and exhaust fumes to escape.
Depending upon the ambient temperature range
and upon whether the installation is to be tempo-
rary, semi-permanent, or permanent, provide fa-
cilities to maintain a reasonable temperature. If
the unit is used in a closed building or other closed
shelter, pipe the exhaust gases to the outside.
(3) Access. Provide enough clearance around
the generator set to facilitate operation and main-
tenance activities.
(4) Fuel Supply. Provide an adequate supply
of clean fuel to meet requirements based on oper-
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