TM 5-6115-271-24P
T.O. 35C2-3-386-4
(3) Army stockage is demand based in accordance with AR 710-2. Repair parts listed in this
publication represent those authorized for use at indicated maintenance levels and will be requisitioned
on an as-required basis until stockage is justified in accordance with AR 710-2.
d. In the part list, some of the items are identified to show that they are a component or components
of the items under which they are indented.
a. (ALL) When National Stock Number or reference number is unknown:
(1) Using the table of contents, determine the functional group; i.e., batteries and related parts, ex-
haust and breather pipes, within which the repair part belongs. This is necessary since illustrations are
prepared for functional groups, and listings are divided into the same groups.
(2) Find the illustration covering the functional group to which the repair part belongs.
(3) Identify the repair part on the illustration and note the illustration figure and item number of
the repair part.
(4) Using the Repair Parts Listing, find the figure and item number noted on the illustration.
b. (ALL) When national stock number or reference number is known:
(1) Using the Index or National Stock Numbers and Reference Numbers, find the pertinent na-
tional stock number or reference number. This index is in ascending NSN sequence followed by a list of
reference numbers in alphanumeric
item number.
(2) After finding the figure and
sequence, cross-referenced to the illustration figure number and
item number, locate the figure and item number in the repair parts