TM 5-6115-434-12
the heat distribution manifold. The air mixing chamber mixes the hot bleed air from the engine with the air being forced
through the ducting by the recirculating fans.
3-70. Bleed-Air Load-Control Valve. (fig. 3-24)
Remove tube assemblies and wiring harness connectors from load-control valve.
Remove clamp holding duct assembly to valve; remove clamp holding load-control valve to turbine
plenum and remove load-control valve from power unit.
Install replacement load-control valve in reverse order of removal procedure using new gaskets and new
clamps if required.
Connect tube assemblies and wiring harness connectors to load-control valve.
3-71. Air Pressure Regulator (fig. 3-24)
Removal. Remove tube assemblies; remove two attaching bolts, four washers, two nuts, and two attaching
clamps. Remove regulator from gas turbine engine.
Installation. Install replacement air pressure regulator on gas turbine engine in reverse order of removal
procedure, using new clamps as required. Reconnect tube assemblies using new packing.
Adjustment. After replacement of regulator, check regulator output pressure and adjust, if required, in
accordance with paragraph 3-8e(5).
3-72. Air Pressure Regulator Filter Element (fig. 3-24)
Without removing air pressure regulator, remove inlet air tube assembly from filter cover.
Unscrew filter cover from regulator and remove filter element and packing.
Cleaning and inspection.
If filter element is of spun wire design (coarse threads at base), clean using sonic cleaning method or by
washing in an approved cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly with filtered compressed air.
If filter element is of wire mesh design (no threads), clean using a paint stripping solution.
Inspect filter element for any obvious damage.
Coat threads of regulator housing with compound.
Install satisfactory or replacement filter element in reverse order of removal procedure using new packing,
and gasket.
Reconnect inlet air tube assembly to filter cover.
Adjustment. After replacement of filter element, check regulator output pressure and adjust, if required, in
accordance with paragraph 3-8e (5).
3-73. Load Control Thermostat (fig. 3-24)
Hold flats on thermostat valve assembly with a wrench and remove tube assembly.
Remove one attaching bolt and washer; remove plate and shim washer and remove load control
thermostat from turbine plenum flange.
Coat threads of attaching bolt with thin film of compound (Fel-Pro C-5).
Install replacement thermostat in turbine plenum flange, with side stamped "AFT" facing to rear or
Install shim washers to obtain 0.010 to 0.020 inch pinch between plate and mounting boss; install plate.
Secure with attaching washer and bolt. Tighten bolt to 50 to 70 inch-pound torque.
Hold flats on thermostat valve assembly with a wrench and connect tube assembly.
Do not exceed 150 inch-pound torque when tightening tube assembly.
Adjustment. Check controlling temperature and adjust, if required, in accordance with paragraph 3-8e(1).