TM 5-6115-434-12
for the other, depending upon the immediate output requirements of the power unit. Remove the failed relay and
substitute the least likely to be used relay.
Cold Water Pressure Switch Failure (S13). If cold water pressure switch (S13) fails in the open position, jumper
across the contacts on the switch allowing the pump to run continuously.
Hot Water Pump Control Pressure Switch Failure (S11). If hot water pump control pressure switch (S11) fails in
the open position jumper across the contacts on the switch, allowing the pump to run continuously.
3-11. General Methods Used to Attain Proper Suppression
Essentially, suppression is attained by providing a low resistance path ground for the stray currents. The methods used
include the ignition and high frequency wires, grounding the frame with bonding straps, and using capacitors and
3-12. Interference Suppression Components
Primary Suppression Components. The primary suppression components are those whose primary function is to
suppress radio interference. These components are illustrated in figure 3-.
Secondary Suppression Components. These components have radio interference suppression functions which
are incidental or secondary to their primary function.
3-13. Replacement of Suppression Components
Refer to figure 3-6 and replace the radio interference suppression components.
3-14. Testing of Radio Interference Suppression Components
Test the capacitors for leaks and shorts on a capacitor tester; replace defective capacitors. If test equipment is not
available and interference is indicated, isolate the cause of interference by the trial-and-error method of replacing each
capacitor in tune until the cause of interference is located' and eliminated.
3-15. General
The fuel system provides a metered fuel supply to automatically control the acceleration and operation of the engine.
The electrically operated fuel boost pump draws fuel from an external fuel supply, through an external fuel system filter
assembly, and supplies fuel under constant pressure, through a second filter, to the engine fuel control unit. The fuel
control unit provides controlled fuel flow through the electrically actuated fuel solenoid valve to the fuel atomizer. The
fuel atomizer provides a fuel spray pattern for combustion in the combustion chamber liner assembly.
Access to the fuel system components is obtained by removing the fuel and oil components
access panel (fig. 1-1) and the gas turbine engine power plant access panel (fig. 1-2).
3-16. Tube Assemblies, Hose Assemblies, Clamp, and Plumbing Fittings
Removal. Remove tube assemblies, hose assemblies, clamps, and plumbing fittings as required for access to
other components or to replace damaged parts.
Tag or otherwise identify connection points, routing, orientation of fittings, and location of
supporting clamps for aid at assembly.
Cleaning and Inspection.
Clean tube assemblies, hose assemblies, clamps, and plumbing fittings with an approved cleaning solvent
and dry thoroughly with filtered compressed air.
Visually inspect for cracks, corrosion, abrasion, damaged threads, or other evidence of damage. Replace
all damaged parts.